art | education




Cabral, M. (2016). Art makes us happy. Young children explore materials and ideas.

Cabral, M. (2014). Broken things can be beautiful things. Early Childhood Explorations in Play and Art. Vast Playground.

Cabral, M. (s/d). “I could look at it forever!” Art at the Rita Gold Early Childhood Center. New York, NY: Art and Art Education Program, Teachers College Columbia University.

Vasconcelos, Homem, Orey, & Cabral (2002). Educação de Infância em Portugal: Situação e Contextos numa perspectiva de promoção de equidade e combate à exclusão. Conselho Nacional de Educação.


Cabral, M. (expected publication in 2024). “Art belongs in your life.” Chapter accepted to be published in The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Social Justice in Education (volume 5 in the Early Childhood/s and Childhood Studies).

Akpovo, S. Arndt, S. , Tesar, M. , Cabral Tucker, A. Wang, L. and Huang, F. (expected publication in 2024). “Ethic of emotional discomfort and cross-cultural Otherness.” Chapter accepted for publication in J.Peng, F. Dervin & V. Tremion (Eds). Interculturality in Educational Virtual Exchanges: Critical and Reflexive Perspectives in Research and Education. Routledge.

Cabral, M. (expected publication 2023). Roll the dice: Play your way into higher education classrooms. Accepted for publication in L. Baecher & L. Portnoy (Eds.), Playful Pedagogy in Higher Education. Research and Cases from Across the Disciplines. Springer.

Cabral, M. (2019). Stories, stuff, and what we do with them. In J.Lampert & F. Duzzo (Eds.), Conversas Pictóricas [Pictorial Conversations] (pp 172-176). Editora Udesc.

Justice, S. and Cabral, M. with Kate Gugliotta (2019). “The crayon doesn’t do that:” Early childhood and advanced technology. In Rick Garner, (Ed.) Exploring Digital Technologies for Art-Based Special Education: Models and Methods for the Inclusive K-12 Classroom (pp 122-131). Routledge.

Cabral, M., & Justice, S. (2019). Material Inquiry: Digital materials, people, and the relationships between them. In E. Garber, L. Hochtritt, & M. Sharma (Eds.), Makers, Crafters, Educators: Working for Cultural Change (pp. 28–32). Routledge.

 Cabral, M. (2018). Fighting the Mad King: play, art, and adventure in an early childhood art studio. In C. M. Schulte & C. M. Thompson (Eds.), Communities of practice: Art, play, and aesthetics in early childhood (pp. 77-91). Springer.


Cabral (2023). “Play will carry us through: Game-based ownership of learning in higher education.” Educational Abundance, The Journal of the New York State Foundations of Education Association, 3 82-90.

 Lyublinskaya and Cabral (2023). “Integrating art and dynamic geometry software into the teaching and learning of middle school geometry: Deepening geometrical thinking of in-service teachers.” Research in Integrated STEAM Education Journal 1, 174–206.

Gibbons, A. Cabral, M. , Moffett, C. (2021). “Inter-galactic pedagogy, pedagogy inter-galactic: The first entries of the pedagogica intergalactica!Policy Futures in Education, 21(6) 695–705.

Cabral, M. (2020). “But did you make it?” Art and Ownership in Early Childhood Education. International Art in Early Childhood Research Journal, 2020, 1(1). Retrieved from

 Cabral, M., Fincham, E., & Templeton, T. (2019). Making their marks: Graffiti explorations as toddler’s artistic practices. Trends. Journal of the Texas Art Education Association, Trends 2019, 32–37.

Cabral (2018). Oferecer, ouvir, e responder: Explorações artísticas com crianças pequenas. [Offering, listening, responding: artistic explorations with young children]. Cadernos de Educação de Infância, Edição Especial 30 Aniversário [Early Childhood Education Journal, 30th anniversary edition]. Volume 112, 71-74.

Cabral, M., & Justice, S. (2016). Thinking in the making: 3D designing and printing with young children and the creation of thresholds for learning. APOTHEKE, 2(1). Retrieved from 

Cabral, M. (2015). Story, not Gadget. Digital Media as Art Materials and Curatorial Tools in Early Childhood Art Education. International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), 8(4), 1084-1090.

Vasconcelos, Homem, Orey, & Cabral (2005). Um estudo de caso em quatro instituições. Educação de Infância e problemática da equidade. Revista Infância e Educação - Investigação e Praticas nº7 Novembro. Lisboa: GEDEI.


Cabral, M. and Phillips-Staley, E. (2015) Fingerpaints and masterpieces: Babies in the art museum. Book of Proceedings END Education Conference for Education and New Developments, Porto, Portugal June 27-29.

Cabral, M. and Justice, S. (2013). Material learning: digital 3D with children. Paper presented at the meeting of FabLearn 2013. III Digital Fabrication in Education Conference, Stanford, CA, USA, October 27 - 28, 2013.


Cabral, M. (2015). "It's about inspiring fantasies: A review of George Szekely's Play and creativity in art teaching. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 16(Review1). Retrieved from

Cabral, M. (2014, November). As 5 coisas de que eu mais gosto… em Nova Iorque. Fugas, Jornal Publico, November 8th, p.33.

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This work by Marta Cabral is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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